We feature a 33-foot climbing wall located right in our comfortable lobby/living area.
You must be belay certified at this facility, 13+ years of age, and sign a release waiver in order to use the auto belays and/or top ropes. To obtain belay certification, come to the climbing area during Belay Hours (below.) You may also schedule an appointment to obtain certification by emailing Jules@Fraservalleyrec.org.
Bouldering is allowed anytime except during scheduled programs. Please do not boulder above your own height without a spotter and properly placed mat.
Climbing Area Rules and Information
Belay Hours FAQ
What Are Belay Hours?
Belay Hours are designated times when a climbing instructor will be in attendance at the climbing wall. Climbing instructors can answer questions, provide belay certification, and belay guests on our climbing wall.
When Are Belay Hours?
After gaining entrance to the facility via membership or day pass, simply show up during the designated belay hours:
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 5PM – 7PM, and Sunday 2PM – 4PM
How Much Does This Service Cost?
Attending Belay Hours to obtain a Belay Certification requires a one-time certification fee. See “Autobelay and Toprope Certification Options” below for details.
Attending Belay Hours to be belayed by a certified instructor costs $10. This buys 30 minutes of combined supervised time on autobelay and instructor belayed top-rope.
Enjoy the wall and discover the fun of climbing while being belayed by a certified instructor. This service is available during scheduled belay hours only. For more information, see Belay Hours FAQ or the Climbing Wall Schedule (above.) Age: 4+ (Must be at least 25lbs) Ability Level: All
Autobelay and Toprope Certification Options (Required For Use)
For the Experienced Climber
Climbing Skills Assessment and Certification:
Climbing wall Skills Check and Belay Certification at the Grand Park Community Recreation Center. Certifications are a pass/fail test.
A pass requires the following:
- Ability to tie a proper figure-8 knot and follow-through from memory
- Properly putting on a climbing-specific harness (bring your own or use one of ours)
- Verbal communication between climber and belayer
- Proper underhand belay technique using an approved belay device (grigri or ATC: bring your own or use one of ours)
If the certifying instructor determines insufficient knowledge and technique is demonstrated, the climber will be charged the extra $10 for a belay skills clinic. After passing the test climbers will receive their belay certification. Once certified, climbers may use the autobelays and topropes when the recreation center is open and no climbing programs are scheduled. If you need to brush up on your skills, please refer to the Climbing Skills Clinic and Certification. If you are unsure which certification option is right for you, ask an instructor during belay hours, or email Jules@Fraservalleyrec.org.
Must be 13 years of age to get certified.
Location: Fraser Valley Rec – Climbing Wall
Age: 13-113 Fee: $25
For the New Climber
Climbing Skills Clinic and Certification:
This class teaches how to safely use the climbing wall’s top ropes with proper belay technique, in addition to safe auto belay use. Use of a belay device for rope feed and stop techniques are taught for a controlled belay. Climbers will learn how to correctly fit a harness, tie a proper figure 8 follow through knot, and basic climbing commands. After course completion, climbers will be certified to use the top rope and auto belays on our climbing wall. The climbing wall can be accessed whenever the Recreation Center is open, and no climbing programs are scheduled. Must be 13 years of age to get certified.
Location: Fraser Valley Rec – Climbing Wall
Age: 13-113 Fee: $35
Can’t make it during Belay Hours? A Climbing Skills Clinic and Certification can be scheduled just for you!
Email Jules to make an appointment: Jules@fraservalleyrec.org
Auto Belay Only
Auto Belay Certification:
Get auto belay certified by a climbing instructor in order to use our auto belays any time the Recreation Center is open, and no scheduled climbing wall programming is happening. Must be 13 years of age to be certified.
Location: Fraser Valley Rec – Climbing Wall
Age: 13-113 Fee: $15
Can’t make it during Belay Hours? An Auto Belay Certification can be scheduled just for you!
Email Jules to make an appointment: Jules@fraservalleyrec.org
Kid's Climbing Opportunities
See Youth Programs for information on Afterschool Climbing Club, Never Summer Senders Team Practice, and our advanced youth program Climbing Club: New Heights